dimecres, 8 de juny del 2016

Taller dins del taller és un petit recorregut íntim perl teixit artístic de la ciutat de Vic. Els artiestes obren els seus espais privats de treball i creació a diferents generacións d'artistes per compartir trajectòries interiors, conversar i  juntament amb el públic, proposar i obrir-se a noves narratives

dijous, 21 de gener del 2016

Dones d'Aigua

Exhibition of the Second Artistic Creation Grand from Aigües  Vic 2014. This proposal is related to the reflexion about the clean water for drink. A sculptoric group of porcelain women represents the fairies of the water.
In Seu social d'Aigües Vic, Vic, Barcelona. 15 October until 7 February 2015.


RE imaginant

Exhibition with the work from the Solitaria's artistis and the children from the school of Casals-Gràcia Manlleu.
First the draws from the children after the work from the

In Can Patalarga, Manlleu, Barcelona, August 2014

dimecres, 20 de gener del 2016

Sopa de sàpiens

Exhibition of the studens of Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de Vic. Shows the projects that the students have done this year in the school. In Can Patalarga, Manlleu, Barcelona, 8-29 June 2014.


Exhibiton of works between musicians from Escola de Musica de Manlleu, artists and dance. Each work with a music for 3 minuts and a dancer that joins all the exhibition.
In Can Puget, Manlleu, Barcelona. 30 May to 1 June 2014.

Facebook: Sinestèsia

Art Com Som

"Artistic dialogues on sexual diversity and emotional"

Exhibition of some works created by students of the Associació d'Alumnes de l'Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de Vic, about their vision of the affective-sexual diversity .
In Biblioteca Joan Triadú, C/ Arquebisbe Alemany, 5, Vic, Barcelona. 26 of May until 1of July 2014.

Link for the video of the exhibition:


divendres, 22 de juny del 2012

"Thermopolis showcase"

Is a group exibiiton with a proposal from Tzeni Argyriou, Pablo Berzal and Marisa Mancilla. In Athens with diferent artists working together with performance and instalations in the public sapce.

In ΕΠΑΣΚΤ, Plaka, Athens, Greece, June 2012.

Χελωντας    Tortugejant

"Mira la tortuga. Té una enorme dignitat, innocència, santadat. Aquests moments silens contentn la totalitat de la naturalesa, també et conté a tu." (Eckhart Tolle)
"Xelwntas/Tortugejant" prenta una exposicio de fotografia i escultra que neix de la fascinacio per les tortugues de euLALIa S. Buscart, una escultora de Barcelona que porta quatre anys treballant a Grècia i ara posa a l'abast de tothom una nova mirada de reflexions amb un punt de fantasia.
                                                                                                     Μα κοίτα τη χελώνα.Έχει μια τεράστια αξοπρέπεια, αθωότητα,  αγιοσύνη.Αυτές οι σιωπηλές στιγμές περιέχουν την ολότητα της φύσης, περιέχουν κι εσένα, λέει ο Eckhart Tolle.
Η "Χελώντας", παρουσιάζει μια έκθεση φωτογραφίας και γλυπτικής που γεννήθηκε απο την γοητεία που οι χελώνες ασκούσαν στην Εουλαλία. Η S.Buscart, μια γλύπτρια απο τη Βαρκελώνη που πλέον δουλεύει στην Ελλάδα εδώ και τέσσερα χρόνια, αναλαμβάνει μέσα απο αυτή την έκθεση να μας δώσει τη δυνατότητα να προσεγγίσουμε, μαζί με ένα μικρό άγγιγμα φαντασίας, τη σχέση  αυτή μέσα απο μια τελείως διαφορετική οπτική γωνία.

Exibition in Xelwna (Nileos, 54) Petralona, Athens, Greece, June 2012

dijous, 26 d’abril del 2012

Aigua (water)

Collective exibition with La Solitaria, "WATER" is the 
element that all of us worked on it.
Exibition in Manlleu, Barcelona. Can Patalarga. Agost 2011.

dimecres, 29 de juny del 2011

Νεοι Ισπανοι Καλλιτεχνες Στην Αθηνα 2011

With the young spanish artists that this year had work in Athens, we present a exhibition in the Ένωσης Πτυχιούχων (ΑΣΚΤ) In Plaka, the old town of Athens. It will be from 15 June until 27 June 2011.