dimecres, 13 d’abril del 2011

“Leaders, Animals and Tools”

“Leaders, Animals and Tools” Group exhibition, with the class from Lappas workshop in Kappatos Gallery, Athens in April 2011.

Famous fantastic caprices!

- “Famous fantastic caprices!” Group exhibition from the erasmus 2008-2009 from Fine Arts in Atenes In the same school at June, 2009.

Imatges de coixi

-”Imatges de Coixí”Group exhibition by La Solitària about the erotic and sex at August 2008, in Can Patalarga Manlleu.

La Mort

- "La Mort, monografic" Group exhibition from Young Artistes Osona, in the Social Centre "The Torratxa" at July 2008.


"Remakes" Group exhibition by La Solitaria and working together wiht Curtmetratges Festival Manlleu in Jun 2008, in Can Patalarga Manlleu.

El Part

- "El Part" Group performance with Arteria and Solitaria in Catedral square in Vic, at 8 March, 2008.

On ets? Què ets?

- “On ets? Què ets?” Group instalation with Laura Del Bas and Berta Cabanas in Sala Marsà, Tàrrega at March, 2008.

Escultura + O2

"Arthroscopy I:" Sculpture + O2 "" Group exhibition of young sculptors from Osona, in The Vic Community Center at Desember 2007.

Video of the exhibition for the TV

Dolorosa Caricia

- “Dolorosa Carícia” Colective exhibition from La Solitària about the gender violence, in November 2007 in Can Patalarga, Manlleu.

Visions, accions i extorsions

-"Visions, accions i extorsions" Exhibition for the presentation of the Solitaria colective in August 2007 in Can Patalarga Manlleu.


-Member of the artistic collective Artery Vic founded in september 2007.

La Solitaria

- Member of the artistic collective founded in Manlleu from March 2007.

Anxoves sense Llauna

-Participation in the reivindication “Anxoves sense Llauna” in Balmes Park in Vic. Organitzation from Assemblea Jove de Vic. 2007.

La festa de les Arts a Manlleu

-Participation in "Festa de les Arts" in Manlleu (Barcelona) for the century of culure in January 2007.

Trobant espais de pensament

- Colective exhibition, "Trobant espais de pensament" with Arantxa Sole and Christel Illa, in Can Patalarga in Manlleu (Barcelona) in January and February, 2007.

Coves (Pintures a l'oli)

- Individual oil painting exhibition in "Rebost del Canonge" in Vic Barcelona from August until Ocober, 2006.

La Marxa de l'estiu

-Performance “Marxa de l’Estiu” in the Embarcador in Manlleu organitzation form CAJ in September, 2006.

El mercat dels somnis

-Participacion in "el Mercat dels Somnis", Vic (la Guixa) May 2005.

Instalation in St Coloma de Queralt

-Instalation in Art Meeting in Querart, St Coloma de Queratl, July, 2005.

Dance Festival in Vic

Vic’s Dance Festival, Installation from an art and dance workshop with students of Vic’s art school and Lanònima Imperial group, Arts School, Vic, April 2003
